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Skidmore College
Office of the Registrar

Grade Changes or Disputes

Grade Changes or Disputes

所有成绩一旦提交给教务长办公室,即视为最终成绩. 如果老师已经更改了学生的成绩,他可以要求更改学生的成绩 a computational or clerical error. No grade may be changed on the basis of retesting or supplementary work. Except in the circumstances outlined in the Policy to Appeal 最终不及格分数(教员手册,第二部分,第三部分,d - 2010年6月生效),请愿书 to change grades must originate with the faculty members concerned and be brought before the Committee on Academic Standing (CAS) for consideration. With the consent 根据导师和CAS的意见,成绩可能会因学术诚信而改变 违反或根据学术自由和权利委员会的建议 (CAFR). The function of the CAFR is to receive inquiries and complaints concerning 学术自由和学术权利,并考虑对违反学术行为的正式指控 freedom and rights from any member of the College community including students. Inquiries 有关成绩必须由学生(包括高年级学生)尽快提出 成绩公布后,不得迟于以下的前两周 semester.

Appealing a Non-failing Final Grade

学术自由与权利委员会(CAFR)不受理成绩争议案件 除非学生先在适当的范围内作出努力解决问题 department or program. If, after consultation with the instructor and the department 或项目主席,学生有证据表明分数反映了部分的偏见 对导师侵犯学术自由和权利的,学生可以提出 that evidence to CAFR. CAFR does not have the authority to change a grade, but in cases of violation of academic freedom and 如对成绩有异议,可向导师及委员会提出建议 on Academic Standing (CAS) that the grade be changed. Any change in grade requires the instructor’s consent.

Appealing a Failing Final Grade

节选自2011-2012年教师手册,最后不及格的申诉政策,部分 Two, III, D

D. Policy to Appeal a Final Failing Grade 


教师有责任清楚地阐明决定学生学业的基础。 grades. Sharing the basis for grades is essential to ensure fair and equitable treatment of students and their work. A student has the right to be informed in a timely and clear manner of the basis for the evaluation of his or her academic performance in 一门课程,一个学生有权在他或她的学术上得到公平、公平的对待 relationships with members of the faculty. In most, if not all instances, the College expects any misunderstanding regarding grading will be resolved informally, either in writing or in discussions, between a student and an instructor. The following appeal process is only for final failing grades.

Appeal Process

一个学生认为他或她对他或她的课程作业有合理的不满 has been evaluated in a prejudicial or capricious manner in the calculation of his 或者她的最终不及格成绩应首先以书面形式向教员提出要求 involved to confirm that no computational or clerical error has been made. The student 必须在下个学期开始后两周内提出申请吗. The instructor must respond to the student in writing within two weeks of receipt of the request. Ideally, the student and faculty member should then meet to discuss the final grade in question. If the communication between the instructor and student 结果是老师要求改成绩,那么老师必须提交 向学生学术学院副院长提交一份改变等级的请愿书 Affairs and the petition must be brought before the Committee on Academic Standing (CAS) for consideration. If the student is studying away from Skidmore College in 下个学期,或者如果该教员在下个学期休假, 要求解释的请求仍然必须在开始后两周内提出 of that semester. But, if the student or the faculty member makes the request, the appeal process may be deferred by the Dean of the Faculty and the Associate Dean of 学生教务处,直至学生复学为止 on campus or the faculty member returns from leave.

If the student is not satisfied with the instructor's explanation, or if a meeting with the faculty member was not possible or not advised, or if the instructor did not respond within two weeks of receipt of the student's request, then the student 可以书面向适当的 department chair (in the case of an ID course, to the chair of the faculty member who has assigned the grade) or program director and submit a copy of the report to the Dean of the Faculty and the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Academic Affairs. If the instructor is the department chair or program director, the request may be addressed to the Dean of the Faculty. The student must make this request within 在他或她向雇主发出最初的解释请求后四周 instructor. The student's supporting documentation must provide evidence of prejudicial or capricious grading. In particular, the student must provide evidence of one or more of the following conditions:  • The instructor used inappropriate criteria in determining a final failing grade.


• The instructor did not adhere to stated procedures or grading standards.

适当的系主任或项目主任必须对学生的情况作出回应 writing within two weeks of receipt of the request. The department chair or program director will contact the instructor to obtain an explanation of the criteria and standards used in evaluating the student's course work. If, after consultation with the faculty member (when possible) and after a review of the written evidence, the 适当的系主任或项目主管找到投诉的正当理由; 他或她将努力与学生和教师寻求一个公平的解决方案 member. If the solution results in the instructor requesting to change a grade, then the instructor must submit a petition to change the grade with the Associate Dean 学生及学术事务学院主任,并须于 the CAS for consideration.

如果适当的系主任或项目主管认为没有原因 投诉,或有关部门之间存在分歧 主席或项目主任及教员,学生可提出书面要求 由学院院长和负责学生事务的学院副院长审阅 教务处,教职员,以及适当的系主任或项目 director. The request must be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty and the Associate 下学期末担任学生学术事务学院院长 the semester in which the grade was awarded.

书面请求必须包括对事件或情况的完整描述 rise to the complaint of prejudicial or capricious grading. If the Dean of the Faculty and the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Academic Affairs conclude there 没有投诉的理由,学院院长会通知学生、老师、 并由相应的系主任或项目主任以书面形式说明申诉 has been denied. If, however, the review results in the instructor requesting to change 然后,讲师必须向助理提交更改成绩的请愿书 Dean of the Faculty for Student Academic Affairs and the petition must be brought before the CAS for consideration.

如果学院院长和学生学术学院副院长 Affairs recommend changing the final failing grade to a passing letter grade, and 如果给原分数的教员反对更改最终不及格 成绩到及格一级,再由学院院长,与之协商 the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Academic Affairs and the department chair or program director, may recommend to the faculty member changing the grade to Satisfactory.

如果教员拒绝学院院长的建议,副院长 负责学生学术事务的学院院长,以及相应的系主任 或项目主管,将最终不及格成绩改为及格或满意, 学院院长,学生学术学院副院长 Affairs, may submit a petition to change the grade to the CAS for consideration. Only the faculty representatives on CAS have the authority to change the final failing 分数达到满意,并且只有在这些教员的多数票通过之后 representatives on CAS approves the change.

学生未能满足时间限制将导致学生的上诉被拒绝. If the faculty member, department chair, program director or dean fails to meet a deadline, the appeal will move to the next level.

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